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The home page of Visual Studio Magazine online, the leading site for enterprise .NET developers.
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This blog is dedicated to the new many-core/multi-core programming techniques, especially the ones available in Visual Studio 2010. Paradox Autóhifi bolt és minőségi beszerelő műhely
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This blog is dedicated to the new many-core/multi-core programming techniques, especially the ones available in Visual Studio 2010. A many/multi-core blog | This blog is dedicated to the new many-core/multi-core programming techniques, especially the ones available in Visual Studio 2010.
This blog is dedicated to the new many-core/multi-core programming techniques, especially the ones available in Visual Studio 2010. Testhouse | A Software Quality Assurance & DevOps Company
Testhouse is a premier software quality assurance company championing faster delivery of high-quality software through defect detection and prevention, lifecycle QA, predictive modelling, risk mitigation and quality control, under the umbrella of...
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Develop MS Office customizations (COM add-in, smart tag, Excel user-defined function (UDF), XLL addin and RTD server) in Visual Studio .NET, VSTO and Delphi for Office 2016-2000. VB.NET, C++, C# are supported.
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