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text-gold.de AX Semantics · Automatisierte Texterstellung · NLG
Mit unserer Software kann jeder aus Daten automatisiert Texte erstellen. Tausende von Texten per klick und API durch Natural Language Generation (NLG)
Keywords: language, alt tag, natural, generation, redigieren
text-symbols.com ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡ Cool Text Symbols to copy paste
Write text symbols using keyboard, HTML or by copy-pasting. Text symbol writing methods and their descriptions listed. Guides on Alt codes for...
Keywords: text art, text icon, text symbols, symbols text, text icons
ancient-symbols.com Ancient Symbols
Ancient Symbols website contains a wide range of symbols by subjects. Each page will give you the pictures of the symbols and their meanings.
Keywords: celtic, symbols, Peace, chinese symbols, latin american symbols and meanings
i2symbol.com Twitter Emoticons ヽ(^o^)ノ Facebook Emoticons . Facebook Symbols
Twitter emoticons . Facebook emoticons . Twitter symbols . Facebook symbols . Twitter emoji . Facebook emoji ヽ(•‿•)ノ ❤ ♬ ✩ ☁ ☂
Keywords: download emoticons, emoticons for msn, fancy text generator, Facebook status update symbols
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alt-codes.org Alt Codes (symbols and character computer keyboard codes)
Use Alt codes to make text symbols and special characters from your keyboard, or laptop. Guide for PC and laptop + full list of Alt codes. Windows alt codes and keyboard symbols on Mac and Linux. Pimp your Instagram and Facebook profiles, or create...
Keywords: alt codes, alt code, alt codes list, all keyboard symbols, mac alt codes
astucefb.com AstuceFB.com - Symboles Facebook, Smileys Facebook, Statut Facebook original, idée statut facebook
Astuces pour Facebook, Symboles pour Facebook, Smileys pour Facebook, Skins pour Facebook, ecrire en gras sur Facebook
Keywords: smiley facebook, emoticone facebook, symbole facebook, astuce facebook, idee statut facebook
altcodes.org AltCodes.org - List of Alt Codes, Alt Symbols, Facebook Symbols, and more!
AltCodes.org - A complete list of Alt Codes, Alt Symbols, Facebook symbols that you can create with your keyboard.
Keywords: 2, 1, 9, html tutorial, 7
mob1le.com Mobile: Text emoticon dictionary with all the meanings for texting Symbols and mobile phone signal connections
Mobile: Text emoticon dictionary with all the meanings for texting Symbols and mobile phone signal connections
Keywords: emoticon dictionary, texting dictionary, text symbol meanings, sms dictioanry, text message symbols
fbtextart.blogspot.com FB Text Art "dedicated to ascii text art" | Facebook Ascii Art
This is blog or a group dedicated to text art.Hare is the collection of text arts which is called ASCII art. Facebook and Myspace users like this
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