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weekwill.com Email Alerts On Mobile via SMS. Email To SMS Text. Mail On Mobile
Receive emails alerts on mobile phone via sms. Email to text message alert. Mail on mobile notification system via SMS. Email to SMS. Gmail alerts through sms. Full mail on sms/call.
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BirthdayMailer, Geburtstags E-Mails, Geburtstags SMS, Geburtstags Grüße im HTML-Format und Text-Format versenden, Geburtstags Grüße versenden, Geburtstags-E-Mails im Text- und HTML-Format versenden, für den Versand Geburtstags-Newslettern über...
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Online tool to find all e-mail addresses in a text.
tictacmail.com Extracting email addresses. Emailing software to extract one or more e-mails from an Internet site by URL, a file or a text. Email marketing, mailing lists, mass mailings
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mailformat.dan.info Dan's Mail Format Site
A site about the formatting of e-mail, including info on what mail headers mean as well as the raging debates of HTML vs. text and top vs. bottom posting.
Keywords: format, electronic mail, formatting, email, e-mail
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Virtual Mailer by vpdl.com. Design and send unlimited personalized html and text newsletters to your subscribers. Manage mailing lists. Newsletter personalization & merging. Supports all email components. Send statistics and reporting clicks and...
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