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Teaching English in Japan has resources and discussion for teachers of English in Japan, including how to get a teaching job in Japan, employment...
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Teach in Asia. You can still make good money teaching in Asia. I recommend starting by teaching English in Korea.
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Teach English to speakers of other languages. Highly accredited distance TESOL courses. Teaching business English & teaching English to young learners.
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Chinese for children with Chinese-English books, DVDs, songs, CD-ROM software and other educational products for learning Chinese. ChildBook is an online Chinese bookstore that aims to help you give your kids the Chinese advantage.
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MELTA (Malaysian English Language Teaching Association) Official Website
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A collection of ideas and resources that might help someone who wants to teach kids about computer technology
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English classroom teaching materials.
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ESL - A free English as a second language community for learning ESL and teaching ESL
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English360: A web-based learning platform for teaching business English and ESP; teachers create and deliver blended and online courses combined with Cambridge materials.
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