iasmembership.org International Association of Scientologists
The IAS (International Association of Scientologists) is the official membership organization of Scientology.
Keywords: Scientology, what is scientology, history, membership, scientology definition of responsibility
theology.scientology.org Official Church of Scientology: Religious Beliefs, What is Scientology?, L. Ron Hubbard & Dianetics
Read frequently asked questions about the Scientology religion, what Scientologists believe, Dianetics and auditing, founder L. Ron Hubbard, the belief in God, the goal of spiritual freedom, its religious services and communities, the Church’s...
scientology.com Official Church of Scientology: What is Scientology?
Browse Scientology beliefs & news, what Scientologists believe, Founder L. Ron Hubbard, David Miscavige, Dianetics, Books, Documentary Video and Photos.
solonots.flag.org Church of Scientology - What is Scientology?
Learn about Scientology beliefs, founder L. Ron Hubbard and Church leader David Miscavige. Watch the Scientology Super Bowl Ad 2016 TV commercial.
scientology.net Official Church of Scientology: What is Scientology?
Browse Scientology beliefs & news, what Scientologists believe, Founder L. Ron Hubbard, David Miscavige, Dianetics, Books, Documentary Video and Photos.
leavingscientology.wordpress.com Leaving Scientology
Scientology claims “millions” of members, however estimates by former staff put that number at under 20,000 internationally. Scientology is shrinking, as more and more members leave, including prominent celebrities, former high-level executives,...
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