golang.org The Go Programming Language
Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.
Keywords: go language, go programming language, golang, go, google go
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35 ans d'expérience, 9 000 condos construits à Montréal et des milliers de rêves réalisés! Un mode de vie urbain: l'art de vivre selon Prével!
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studygolang.com 首页 - Go语言中文网 - Golang中文社区
Go语言中文网,中国 Golang 社区,Go语言学习园地,致力于构建完善的 Golang 中文社区,Go语言爱好者的学习家园。分享 Go 语言知识,交流使用经验
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merbist.com Ruby, Rails, MacRuby and everything related to software development
Everything Ruby and software development related, from Golang, Python, MacRuby to Rails3 without forgetting Rack, JRuby, Rubinius, Sinatra, Merb or CouchDB. Matt Aimonetti shares his experiments with software development.
Keywords: San Diego, Software Architecture, JRuby, CouchDB, programming
tpbitcalc.appspot.com TP's Bitcoin Calculator
Ultimate Bitcoin Calculator. Bitcoin Mining, Profitability and Power Calculator. Calculate how much your shiny new rig is making you. Daily, weekly, monthly and annual net profit, power consumption cost, break even time. Everything you can ever need!...
Keywords: pool, google go, golang, mining, bitcoin mining calculator
dev.af83.com af83 devblog
This is the developers blog @ af83. We are polyglot, speaking Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, Golang, C, CSS, NoSQL and more.
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Machine learning, Python, Go, Php, Javascript freelance/contractor developer with many years of object oriented software development experience using C++, Java and Perl. Ideally looking for remote projects. Currently working for a large New York...
Keywords: freelance, telecommute, go, python, olga guitar tabs
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