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Pick of the Litter is a non-profit, volunteer-based, no-kill animal rescue organization and sanctuary in the Metro-Atlanta area. Please support Pick of the Litter in our efforts to make a difference for Georgia animals in need.
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If you're looking for a natural cat litter with no synthetic chemicals, clays or perfumes, try World's Best Cat Litter™. It’s the only all-natural kitty litter on the market made from corn and other plant materials grown on American farms....
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The Tidy Cats® BREEZE® cat litter box system makes litter box odor control & maintenance a breeze. Choose from a variety of different styles and cat litter box refill options.
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Our disposable litter boxes, can be an open tray or covered box, are biodegradable & earth friendly, last up to six weeks, moisture resistant and easy to use. U.S. Pat. 9,258,977
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Give your cat litter that works with your lifestyle. Whether you have one cat or multiple cats, Tidy Cats® has the right cat litter for you and your home.
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