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The Miracle Foundation is a non-profit organization that helps people create miracles for the world's orphans -- spreading best practices worldwide. Helping orphaned children effectively means meeting the full range of needs for each child;...
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Resources for international orphan care, church orphan ministries, adoptive or foster families, and anyone caring for orphans in any way! <meta property="fb:page_id" content="112897759158" />
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Joy Home for Children is an orphanage based in Hyderabad India. Offering a home for Orphan Children. 100% of donations are spent on/for the children. No UK wages, admin or marketing expense. Needs list online shows where money is spend and what needs...
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Our charity for AIDS orphans aims to raise awareness of the effect HIV/AIDS and poverty has had on african children Kinship United | Charity to Help Vulnerable Children and Widows
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