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dese.co.uk [DE]SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Ltd. - GlassFish Hosting | Oracle™ Solaris™ Zones and Root Server | Drupal Hosting | Payment Processing | eCommerce Solution | Database Development - dese.co.uk
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About Development, Technology and whatever comes along. | Airport IT | Aviation | Standards | Android | PostgreSQL | D3.js | Angular | Cybersecurity | Visualization | Amazon AWS | MongoDB | Deep Learning |
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Ensure strong API performance in less time with the ability to repurpose your existing API functional tests as load tests in LoadUI Pro with the click of a mouse – no coding required.
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Load test websites, web apps, APIs, and mobile apps via the cloud. Use scripts to simulate user behavior for up to a million virtual users. Try it for free!
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blazemeter.com BlazeMeter, an Enterprise-grade Continuous Testing Platform
BlazeMeter's Continuous Testing platform is 100% Open Source Compatible & Enterprise Ready. With BlazeMeter, Dev and QA teams can run high-scalable continuous testing for website, mobile, api and software.
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PSTuners offers imminent PeopleSoft website load test and performance tuning services to its clients at affordable prices. Test your system and website in a click!
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