polarbeardog.tumblr.com The Legend of Korra
estadoavatar.blogspot.com Estado Avatar: La Leyenda de Korra ONLINE
KORRA. Estado Avatar es un blog sobre Avatar: La Leyenda de Aang y La leyenda de Korra. Con noticias, música, imágenes (capturas, GIFs animados), episodios y juegos.
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lastairbenderfans.com LAF | Last Airbender Fans | Legend of Korra News | Home
The is the premiere fan community for Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra.
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avatarthelegendofkorra.wordpress.com Avatar: The Legend of Korra - News & Updates | Unofficial Fansite for Legend of Korra
Unofficial Fansite for Legend of Korra
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avatarthelegendofkorraonline.com Avatarthelegendofkorraonline.com
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owldee.tumblr.com a nocturnal nerd
owl or dee. nerdy lesbian. she/her. 29. infp. that korrasami obsessed bird. lok, atla, su, and other gay things. this is a korra, asami, and the love they share appreciation blog♥ • my art • my fic •...
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