jquery-docs.ru Русская документация по API jQuery
На нашем сайте Вы найдете перевод официальной документации API jQuery на русский язык.
Keywords: internals, jquery, jquery find, append
ui-patterns.com UI-Patterns.com
User Interface Design Pattern Library. UI patterns for web designers. See screenshot examples and learn how to do great design like the pros.
Keywords: Design, front-end, interaction, screenshot collections
jquery-howto.blogspot.com jQuery Howto
Short and "to the point" jQuery & JavaScript related posts for your daily pleasure.
Keywords: javascript, tutorial, xhtml, documentation, jquery check if checkbox is checked
namburivk.blogspot.in Creative Web & UI Designer
Web Designers, Designers, CSS3, HTML5, CSS, HTML, JQUERY, UI Designers, Tutorials, Sharepoint Designers, Photoshop, Flash, Graphic Designers
jqueryautocomplete.com HugeDomains.com - JqueryAutocomplete.com is for sale (Jquery Autocomplete)
Keywords: autocomplete, jquery autocomplete json, jquery, jquery autocomplete php, jquery ui autocomplete json
jgeppert.com Java, Programming, Struts2, jQuery, Linux and more
Tutorials and Tips for Java, Programming, Apache Struts and Struts2 Project, jQuery , jQuery UI, jQuery mobile, Linux and more
Keywords: jqueryui, apache, linux, programming, bootstrap showcase
jspro.com JavaScript: Learn JavaScript, jQuery, Angular.JS & More — SitePoint
Learn JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile, Angular.JS, Node.js, Backbone.js & more with SitePoint tutorials, books and courses
aspforums.net ASPForums.Net - Forums (Question - Answer) site for ASP.Net and its related technologies.
This is a brand new ASP.Net Forums (Question-Answer) site started to help the ASP.Net Community in ASP.Net and its related technologies. ASP.NET, C#.NET,VB.NET,JQuery, Json,JavaScript,Gridview,SQL Server,Ajax,jQuery Plugins,jQuery...
juiceui.com Juice UI → Supercharge ASP.NET Web Forms with jQuery UI
Juice UI is a collection of WebForms components that brings jQuery UI Widgets to your project with ease. Supercharge ASP.NET Web Forms with jQuery UI.
tjvantoll.com TJ VanToll's Blog
TJ VanToll's blog about front-end technologies
zinoui.com Zino UI - jQuery UI components library, HTML5 framework
Zino UI is Javascript/HTML5 user interface framework built on top of jQuery. Zino UI is WAI-ARIA and cross browser compatible user interface javascript library.
Keywords: jquery datepicker, jquery plugins, JavaScript Library, jquery widgets, zino ui
jqueryuivskendoui.com jQuery UI vs Kendo UI
A feature comparison between jQuery UI and Kendo UI.
trirand.net Trirand.NET, world class web components for ASP.NET Core, MVC and WebForms
jqSuite a set of user inteface UI components for Javascript, ASP.NET WebForms, ASP.NET MVC and Core based on industry standards - jQuery, jQuery UI, HTML5, ThemeRoller
Keywords: jquery grid, web datagrid, Mobile Grid, jqSuite DataGrid, trirand
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