Top Vidéo des humoristes - Top vidéo des humoristes
Top Vidéo des Sketchs humoristes, Les meilleures vidéos des comiques les plus connues du net.
Keywords: comique, humoriste, biographie, en live, Sketch humoriste Donna Cardillo, RN - Keynote Speaker, Humorist, Master Motivator, Entertainer
"It's a beautiful day to save lives." That popular phrase, attributed to the TV show Grey's Anatomy, brings to mind what we work to do in healthcare every day. In that vein, I have recently learned of a new program designed to save...
Keywords: humorist, keynote speaker, Inspirational Speaker, funny motivational speaker, Nurse power Humorist and Motivational Speaker - Dave Lieber
Speaker and Watchdog columnist for The Dallas Morning News, Dave shows how to tell business stories that move employees to action and create change.
Keywords: motivational speaker, International Speaker, newspaper columnist, dave lieber, Texas speaker Jeanne Robertson humorist speaker Official Site Book for business meetings, conventions, keynote speeches. Toastmasters Golden Gavel award winner for funny stuff. Online humor store books, videos, audio tapes.
Jeanne Robertson Book Me humorist speaker for business meetings, conventions, keynote speeches. Toastmasters Golden Gavel award winner for funny stuff. Online humor store books, videos, audio tapes.
Keywords: national, keynote, pc, personal appearances Kathleen Passanisi - Official Website, professional speaker, humorist
Kathleen Passanisi - Hall of Fame Professional Speaker, Humorist, Author. Changing lives one laugh at a time by creating New Perspectives. Each of Kathleen Passanisi's presentations is carefully crafted to give participants an opportunity to see...
Keywords: motivational speaker, speaking engagement, sandwich generation, kathy passanisi, professional motivational speaker Rire et Chansons, La Radio du Rire: Blagues, sketches, Jeux...
Retrouvez des blagues, citations et sketches de vos humoristes préférés ainsi que les webradios, émissions, podcasts et jeux concours gratuits.
Keywords: webradios, Rireetchansons, radio humour, biographies comiques, image drole
Keywords: spectacle, humour, les grandes gueules, grandes gueules, Richard Turcotte