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DQ.com provides a restaurant locator, menus with nutritional information, franchise details, company history and news. Dairy Queen is an international...
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DomainGoat Domain Search
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Collects, records and preserves dairy goat pedigrees. Offers improvement programs, production testing and performance reports. Additional member benefits.
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Information on the care and keeping of dairy goats, with an emphasis on a natural and humane approach. Information on all aspects of goat raising and husbandry including: health, feeding, medications, wormers & worming, natural, herbal & holistic...
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LaMancha Dairy Goats Bred in Washington
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Welcome to Dairy Goats Info! The community and discussion forum for all aspects of dairy goat raising, including classifieds, articles, photos, videos, and more.
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Khimaira Dairy Goat Farm and Khimaira Kaprine Kreations. Goat supplies, gifts, equipment and information from the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.
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naturalark.com Main Entry for Waltz's Ark Ranch and The Herbal Encyclopedia
Waltz's Ark Ranch - Where Average Just Won't Do! Breeding the finest quality registered Oberhasli, Nigerian Dwarf, and South African Boer goats, as well as some of the rarest poultry breeds and varieties on the planet
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Registered Nubian dairy goats raised on a small farm in Topeka, KS
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