logicbricks.com Xylon - logicBRICKS IP Cores for FPGA and Design Services
Xylon is an electronics company focused on FPGA developments. Xylon provides logicBRICKS IP library of IP cores for Xilinx FPGA, design services in fields of FPGA and embedded electronics, software support (drivers) for IP cores, and evaluation and...
Keywords: xilinx, Xylon, Fpga graphics, operator panel
logicbricks.jp Xylon - logicBRICKS IP Cores for FPGA and Design Services
Xylon is an electronics company focused on FPGA developments. Xylon provides logicBRICKS IP library of IP cores for Xilinx FPGA, design services in fields of FPGA and embedded electronics, software support (drivers) for IP cores, and evaluation and...
Keywords: xilinx, ip core, IP provider, Fpga graphics, ip library
easic.com Intel® eASIC™ Devices
Intel® eASIC™ devices are application-specific integrated circuits providing performance, power, low unit-cost & low NRE charges, and rapid delivery.
fpgarelated.com FPGARelated.com - All You Can Eat FPGA
Everything FPGA: Forums (including comp.arch.fpga), Blogs, WhitePapers, Business Directory, Free PDF Downloads, Code Snippets, etc.
nallatech.com BittWare Accelerator Boards, PCIe Cards, and Integrated Systems Featuring Xilinx and Intel FPGAs - BittWare FPGA Acceleration
rachip.com Home - Rachip - Hardware & Software development
Keywords: e, verilog, system verilog, FPGA verification israel
dynamicc4.com COTS ADC, DAC, FPGA, DSP, SBC, Rugged Embedded Computing Products by DYNAMIC C4
COTS Embedded Computing Products ADC, DAC, FPGA, DSP and SBC Products
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