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Boasting an enviable location in central Peterborough, the grandiose 4-star Bull Hotel is conveniently positioned across from the boutique Queensgate...
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513-484-6644 Tri State Bull Terriers breeds great pet and show quality AKC bull terrier puppies in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana area. Call or visit our site.
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Miniature Bullterrier breeding in Baesweiler, near Aachen, Germany. Miniatur Bull Terrier Zucht aus Baesweiler, Raum Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland. Zucht aus Leidenschaft mit Fokus Gesundheit.
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staffordshire.over-blog.com Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Retrouvez des photos de mes staffordshire bull terrier et l'actualité de mon petit élevage Tireless-Clan.
Retrouvez des photos de mes staffordshire bull terrier et l'actualité de mon petit élevage Tireless-Clan.
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A devoted pit bull mom and former humane education worker shares her experience and advice on training, adoption and other issues facing pitbull owners.
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