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Strona poświęcona grze Counter-Strike we wszystkich odmianach
Keywords: ventrillo, cs, gry online, source
ict.org.il International Institute For Counter-Terrorism
A leading academic institutes for counter-terrorism in the world, facilitating international cooperation in the global struggle against terrorism.
Keywords: IDC, ict, Islamic State, threat vulnerability
counterterrorexpo.com Welcome - Security & Counter Terror Expo 2019
The UK's leading national security event for professionals tasked with protecting business, national infrastructure, governments and nations against terrorism. Focusing on current & future threats and how to mitigate them and the security...
Keywords: government, law enforcement, business continuity, Counter terror
detectivehits.com Detective Hits: World Wide Investigations & Prosecutions Network !
We Specialize in Counter Terrorism (When anti-terrorism bleeds & fails - counter-terrorism leads the snails). We are dedicated to bringing the enemies of freedom to justice for all the world to see who is the true enemy.
Keywords: terrorism, detective, hate crimes, domestic terrorism
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securingasia2012.com Securing Asia
Securing Asia : Technology and Investment Summit is a kind event/exhibition, which aims to link the Asian & Africa Security industry with Western Security suppliers and develop an on-going forum for information sharing. It provides a dedicated...
Keywords: defence exhibition, defence conference
henley-putnam.edu Home - Henley-Putnam
Henley-Putnam School of Strategic Security is a school within National American University, which is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning
Keywords: accredited online university, henley-putnam university, henley putnam, at level 1, entry level intelligence jobs
specwarnet.com SpecWarNet -Worldwide directory of special forces and government agencies. Your Source for Special Warfare!
Your Online Source for info on Special Warfare and counter-terrorism Units!
Keywords: Raid, selas, SEALS, pararescue, sayeret golani
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