Andy Barefoot
Andy Barefoot personal site: Articles, code experiments and other non-work things.
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The blog, portfolio of professional web designer, wordpress developer, & programmer Andy Sowards based in Lynchburg, VA who specializes in...
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Photographer on the Loose: Shooting the photography he wants, when he wants and (hopefully) how he wants. A.K.A. Andy McPhoto, Photo Tour Brugge.
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The Andy Griffith Show Rerun Watchers Club is your one stop location for anything to do with The Andy Griffith Show, Mayberry,NC, and the cast and crew of TAGS.
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Andy Rathbone - Writer of the "Windows For Dummies" series, Andy Rathbone answers a reader's question each week.
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Friends of The Web designs and develops custom web and mobile applications with Ruby on Rails, React, Solidus, and Swift.
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Welcome to Hamilton Selway. Los Angeles premier fine art gallery with the west coast's largest collection of gallery owned pop art.
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